
ReliefWeb results


Donors and the government must put children’s rights at the heart of the COVID-19 response - Joint Statement, 1 June 2020

As COVID-19 continues to progress around the world, Cambodia has emerged as one of the rare success stories. With zero known community transmission and only two imported cases in more than 6 weeks, it is clear…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
Tdh, Save the Children, Plan International, SOS, World Vision, ChildFund Alliance
11 Jun 2020


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, April 2020

In Numbers 769 mt of food distributed US$ 19,269 cash-based transfers made (HGSF) US$ 1 million six months (May to October 2020) net funding requirements 80,767 people assisted In April 2020 Operational Updates In response to the evolving COVID-19 pandemic and movement…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, March 2020

In Numbers 430 mt of food distributed (estimated) US$ 82,730 cash-based transfers made (estimated) US$ 0 million six months (April to September 2020) net funding requirements 233,950 people assisted In March 2020 Operational Updates In its commitment to scale up and transition…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, February 2020

In Numbers 391 mt of food distributed (estimated) US$ 75,209 cash-based transfers made (estimated) US$ 0 million six months (March to August 2020) net funding requirements 233,950 people assisted In February 2020 Operational Updates As part of the transition of the school…


Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework (ISAF): Analysis of the data generated during ISAF phase I (2016-2018)

FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR PHASE II Executive summary Participatory processes to involve communities have been a part of local governance and decentralisation initiatives led by the Royal Government of Cambodia and supported by donors, including United Nations Development…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, December 2019

In Numbers 253.6 mt of food distributed US$ 164,926 cash-based transfers made (estimated) US$ 1.33 million six months (January to June 2020) net funding requirements 233,950 people assisted In December 2019 Operational Updates The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport and WFP…

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