
ReliefWeb results


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, October 2023

In Numbers 356 mt of food assistance distributed US$490,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$0.4 million six-month (November 2023-April 2024) net funding requirements 185,000 people assisted Operational Updates School Feeding Programme The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and…


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, September 2023

In Numbers 391 mt of food assistance distributed US$540,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$0.18 million six-month (October 2023-March 2024) net funding requirements 185,000 people assisted Operational Updates School Feeding Programme WFP and the Government of Cambodia conducted a study tour…


Floods pose significant risk to education and healthcare in Cambodia

Seasonal flooding is the most common and frequent disaster in Cambodia. Major flooding events occur every five years and can be particularly devastating. In 2011, a flood affected more than 1,700,000 people, killed 250 people, and…

News and Press Release
World Bank
17 Nov 2023


WFP Cambodia Country Strategic Plan (2024-2028)

Operation ID: KH03 CSP approved at EB November 2023 session Cambodia has achieved significant success in poverty reduction and human development. However, a substantial share of the population remains vulnerable to poverty, food insecurity, malnutrition and shocks. The…

Cambodia + 6 more

YEU Increases Disaster Management Capacity for Persons with Disabilities and Other At-Risk Groups [EN/ID]

Indonesian version

Nanda Annisa Husni “According to the Humanitarian Inclusion Standards, there are several barriers that prevent people with disabilities and the elderly from participating meaningfully in disaster risk reduction (DRR) actions, such as attitudinal barriers, environmental barriers, and…

News and Press Release
6 Oct 2023


WFP Cambodia Country Brief, August 2023

In Numbers 391 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 540,000 cash to schools for Home-Grown School Feeding US$4 million six-month (September 2023-February 2024) net funding requirements 185,000 people assisted Operational Updates School Feeding Programme The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS), with…

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