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Burundi + 2 more

Burundi : Plan de réponse humanitaire 2020 (mars 2020)

Aperçu du Plan de réponse PERSONNES DANS LE BESOIN 1.74M PERSONNES CIBLÉES 630k FONDS REQUIS (USD) 114M PARTENAIRES OPÉRATIONNELS 60 Au Burundi, malgré les efforts du Gouvernement et des partenaires humanitaires visant à améliorer les conditions de vie des populations, des poches de vulnérabilités aiguës…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi : Rapport de situation - 3 février 2020

FAITS SAILLANTS OCHA lance l'exposition photographique intitulée "Un jour, je serai" à l'Institut français du Burundi Les pluies torrentielles font des ravages au Burundi Une journée dans la vie de Fiacre Manariyo – Point focal DTM de la Croix…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi: Situation Report - 6 February 2020 [EN/RN]

English version

HIGHLIGHTS OCHA launches photo exhibit “One day, I will” at the French Institute of Burundi Torrential rains cause devastation in Burundi A day in the life of Fiacre Manariyo, DTM focal point at Red Cross Burundi An additional US$ 10…

Situation Report
3 Feb 2020
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Burundi + 1 more

Burundi : Situation Report - 9 December 2019 [EN/RN]

English version

HIGHLIGHTS “Abandoning my home country and especially my family has left its mark on me” Cholera outbreak in Burundi: "Fortunately, my family is cured" WHO transfers six tonnes of medical material to Burundi UNICEF leads efforts on Water, Sanitation and…

Situation Report
11 Dec 2019
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Burundi + 1 more

Burundi : Rapport de situation - 9 décembre 2019

FAITS SAILLANTS Abandonner mon pays natal et surtout ma famille m'a fortement marqué Epidémie de choléra au Burundi : "Heureusement, ma famille est guérie" L’OMS offre 6 tonnes de matériel médical au Burundi L'UNICEF dirige ses efforts dans le domaine…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi : Situation Report - 18 November 2019

HIGHLIGHTS “Abandoning my home country and especially my family has left its mark on me” Cholera outbreak in Burundi: "Fortunately, my family is cured" WHO transfers six tonnes of medical material to Burundi UNICEF leads efforts on Water, Sanitation and…

Burundi + 1 more

UNICEF Burundi Ebola Situation Report #4, 20 November 2019

Highlights The EVD vaccination campaign for front-line workers was launched in August 2019 and ended in November. In total, 4,105 front-line workers were vaccinated. In collaboration with IOM, UNICEF Burundi supported a risk communication training for 24 community…

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