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Burundi + 4 more

UNICEF Burundi Humanitarian Situation Report, September-October 2018

Highlights A total of 31,131 children (17,061 boys; 14,070 girls) accessed critical protection services, including temporary emergency shelter, psychosocial support, release from detention, family tracing and reunification, medical support, as well as access to education and reintegration…

Burundi + 4 more

UNICEF Burundi Humanitarian Situation Report, July-August 2018

Highlights • A total of 12,979 children (6,779 boys; 6,200 girls) accessed critical protection services, including temporary emergency shelter, psychosocial support, release from detention, family tracing and reunification, medical support, as well as access to education and…

Burundi + 4 more

UNICEF Burundi Humanitarian Situation Report, January - June 2018

Highlights From January to June 2018, 39,361 children (12,810 girls; 26,551 boys) accessed critical protection services, including temporary emergency shelter, psychosocial support, release from detention, family tracing and reunification, medical support, as well as access to education…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi : Bulletin Humanitaire | Publication 12 | Mai 2018

POINTS SAILLANTS • Plus de 80 000 burundais affectés par les pluies diluviennes depuis janvier ; • Malgré une bonne saison agricole 2018A, près de 1,7 million de burundais restent en insécurité alimentaire (IPC3, en crise) ; • Entre…


Burundi: 2017 Sector Achievements - March 2018

3 pages

• Shelter/NFI/CCCM: o Due to the lack of adequate funding, the sector has only reached about 8% of its 2017 target. o More than 11,000 climate-affected people benefited from assistance in non-food items distribution and emergency shelter. o Under…

News and Press Release
31 May 2018

Burundi + 3 more

Burundi : Bulletin Humanitaire | Publication 11 | Avril 2018

POINTS SAILLANTS • Pas moins de 75 000 burundais ont été affectés par les aléas climatiques de janvier à avril 2018 • Les Gouvernements burundais et tanzanien ainsi que le HCR prévoient de rapatrier 72 000 réfugiés burundais…

Burundi + 4 more

IFRC-WFP-National Society Capacity Strengthening Initiative: Summary Report Global Learning Workshop, 10-11 April 2018, WFP HQ, Rome, Italy

1. Introduction The IFRC-WFP-National Society capacity strengthening initiative was launched in 2017 and is being piloted in Burundi, Dominican Republic, Pakistan and Sudan. Additional pilots are under preparation in the Pacific and Zimbabwe. The objective of the…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
16 May 2018


Burundi - Humanitarian Response Plan 2018

to assist 600 000 people FAO requires USD 7 million period January – December 2018 The crisis that has been affecting Burundi since 2015 has worsened the humanitarian situation in the country with large segments of the population facing severe food insecurity. Objectives FAO is working…

Burundi + 4 more

Humanitarian Action for Children 2018 - Burundi

The political crisis that began in Burundi in April 2015 continues to affect the lives of millions of people. An estimated 200,000 people are internally displaced and more than 400,000 have fled to neighbouring countries, primarily…

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