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Burundi : Désastres Naturels - Flash Update No. 2 - 28 avril 2020

POINTS SAILLANTS La solidarité nationale se mobilise pour soutenir les 34 905 personnes affectées par le débordement de la Ruzizi Premiers 100 ménages déplacés installés sur le nouveau site officiel à Gatumba, province de Bujumbura Rural Presque 10 000…


Burundi: Natural Disasters - Flash Update No. 1 - 22 April 2020

KEY POINTS • On 19 April, according to local authorities, 27,972 people were displaced due to the Ruzizi river overflowing into six districts of Gatumba in Mutimbuzi Commune (Bujumbura Rural province) • 6,010 houses were flooded, severely damaged…


Burundi : Natural Disasters Flash Update No. 1 (22 April 2020)

KEY POINTS • On 19 April, according to local authorities, 27,972 people were displaced due to the Ruzizi river overflowing into six districts of Gatumba in Mutimbuzi Commune (Bujumbura Rural province) • 6,010 houses were flooded, severely damaged…

Burundi + 11 more

START Fund March Monthly Risk Bulletin (Issued 11 March 2020)

Start members and their partners should consider acting on developing risks through the Start Fund Crisis Anticipation. Click HERE for more information on the Start Fund Crisis Anticipation. Click HERE for an anticipation alert note template.

Burundi + 2 more

Burundi : Plan de réponse humanitaire 2020 (mars 2020)

Aperçu du Plan de réponse PERSONNES DANS LE BESOIN 1.74M PERSONNES CIBLÉES 630k FONDS REQUIS (USD) 114M PARTENAIRES OPÉRATIONNELS 60 Au Burundi, malgré les efforts du Gouvernement et des partenaires humanitaires visant à améliorer les conditions de vie des populations, des poches de vulnérabilités aiguës…


Burundi : IOM Displacement Tracking Matrix | DTM, March 2020

In January 2020, the Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) recorded 112,522 internally displaced people (IDP) and 24,788 displaced households. Of these displacements, 79 per cent were displaced due to natural disasters while 21 per cent were displaced…

Burundi + 2 more

Burundi: Situation Report - 11 March 2020 [EN/RN]

English version

HIGHLIGHTS 1.7 million Burundians need humanitarian assistance in 2020 Over 1,500 Burundians voluntarily repatriated since February 2020 David Carden, OCHA Deputy Director for West and Central Africa, completes a three-day mission to Burundi An additional US$10 million needed to implement…

Situation Report
11 Mar 2020
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