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Burundi + 2 more

Voluntary Repatriation and Reintegration of Burundian Refugees Plan 2021

Funding Required $33,500,000 People In Need 488,500 Target Beneficiaries 130,000 IOM Vision IOM, in coordination with key stakeholders and partners, aims to provide safe, voluntary and dignified repatriation and reintegration support to Burundian returnees from the United Republic of Tanzania…


Burundi - Rapport De Déplacement (Septembre 2020)

La DTM a identifié 127 832 Personnes Déplacées Internes (PDI) et 27 615 ménages PDI au cours du mois de septembre 2020. Parmi ces personnes, 83 pour cent ont été déplacées suite à une catastrophe naturelle,…


Burundi - Displacement Report (September 2020)

The DTM has identified 127,832 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 27,615 households in the month of September 2020. Of those, 83 per cent were displaced due to natural disaster while 17 per cent were displaced due…


Burundi Revue Mensuelle : Novembre 2020

FAITS MARQUANTS Le département Protection et Assistance aux Migrants (MPA) de l'OIM Burundi a lancé avec succès la campagne des 16 jours d'activisme contre les Violences Basées sur le Genre (VBG). Des activités de sensibilisation ont été…


Burundi Monthly Review: November 2020

HIGHLIGHTS IOM Burundi's Migrant Protection and Assistance (MPA) Department successfully launched the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence (GBV) campaign. Awareness-raising activities were organized in different provinces, from debates and theatre sketches to focus groups. A handover ceremony…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi: Situation Report (18 Dec 2020)

HIGHLIGHTS COVID-19 Situation Update The 2021A cropping season (sept 2020 to sept 2021) is likely to be worse increasing the number of people suffering from food insecurity Cash transfers, an important tool in emergency humanitarian interventions in Burundi Humanitarian actors…

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi: Rapport de situation (18 déc. 2020)

FAITS SAILLANTS Mise à jour de la situation de la COVID-19 La saison culturale 2021A (sept 2020 à sept 2021) risque d’être moins bonne et accroitre le nombre de personnes en insécurité alimentaire Les transferts monétaires, un outil important…


Burundi: Situation Report (19 Nov 2020) [EN/RN]

English version

HIGHLIGHTS Update on the COVID-19 situation Rains from October to December may exacerbate the needs of vulnerable populations At least 42 per cent of people targeted by the Humanitarian Response Plan have been assisted despite low funding More than 20,000…

Situation Report
19 Nov 2020
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