
ReliefWeb results

Bangladesh + 1 more

Heavy rains and floods in Cox’s Bazar

Four hundred villages in Cox’s Bazar have been flooded after days of rain. Most people in the area say they have never seen severe floods like this in the last decade. Houses are damaged; Springs,…

News and Press Release
3 Aug 2021

Bangladesh + 1 more

Flash Update #2 on Monsoon Response of 1 August 2021, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh

IMMEDIATE RESPONSE Site Management and Site Development: 230 weather related incidents have been reported including floods, slope failures and windstorms affecting refugees. Rohingya and Bangladeshi volunteers are clearing drains, installing culverts and carrying out other infrastructure work…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Humanitarian crisis management programme: Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh - Monsoon Situation Report #4: Heavy rainfall across Rohingya camps (1 August 2021)

Overall humanitarian context and needs Cox’s Bazar recorded 135mm of rainfall accumulation in the last 24 hours. Excessive rainfall further caused extreme flooding and landslides in several parts of the Rohingya camps and the adjacent host community…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Humanitarian crisis management programme: Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh - Monsoon Situation Report #3: Heavy rainfall across Rohingya camps (29 July 2021)

Overall humanitarian context and needs Relentless monsoon rains and strong winds continue to cause destruction in both the Rohingya camps and host communities. Several community facilities have been damaged, including shelters, food distribution points, health facilities, latrines…

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