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Bangladesh: Monsoon Floods 2019 - Final Report (n° MDRBD022)

A. SITUATION ANALYSIS Description of the disaster The heavy rainfall between July and September 2019 across Bangladesh led to landslides and extreme flooding over one-fourth of the country areas. According to the National Needs Assessment Working Group (NAWG),…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh Country Brief, August 2021

In Numbers 1,248 mt of food distributed US$ 11.45 million cash-based transfers made US$ 33.36 million six months (September ‘21-February ‘22) net funding requirements, of which US$ 29.87 million is for the Cox’s Bazar L2 Emergency Response. 1 million people…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Humanitarian crisis management programme: Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh - HCMP Communiqué (August 2021)

ACTIVITY HIGHLIGHTS COVID-19 vaccination in Rohingya camps: BRAC collaborating with the Government of Bangladesh to ensure health equity BRAC Humanitarian Crisis Management Programme (HCMP), in collaboration with the Government of Bangladesh’s national vaccination programme, has launched the ‘COVID-19…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Country on a Mission: The Remarkable Story of Bangladesh’s Development Journey

Bangladesh is a relatively young country, having gained independence a little over 50 years ago. Despite its youth, however, the country has made exceptional strides in reducing poverty and boosting shared prosperity over the last five…

News and Press Release
World Bank
17 Sep 2021

Bangladesh + 1 more

Rohingya Refugee Response - Bangladesh Factsheet - Public Health (January - June 2021)

Objectives 1 Enhancing access of refugees to essential health services 2 Integrate mental health interventions into general healthcare system 3 Health promotion and surveillance through community health workers 4 Develop community-based psychosocial awareness and support programmes 5 Treatment of acute malnutrition…

News and Press Release
17 Sep 2021

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