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Bangladesh + 1 more

JRP Mid-term Review I Host Community Workshop, 13 August 2018

INTRODUCTION Presenters: Margo Baars, Md. Nikarizzaman and Md. Rabiul Hasan The ISCG secretariat expressed its appreciation to the Government for its leadership and support of the overall relief and response towards the Rohingya refugee population and most affected…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh Country Brief, August 2018

In Numbers 12,798.02 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 2.8 m cash based transfers made US$ 242.6 m Phase II (March – Dec 2018) total funding requirement for Cox’s Bazar L3 Emergency Response US$ 108 m total confirmed contribution for…

Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh Operational Update, 1 - 15 September 2018

IN THIS UPDATE: UNHCR increases community outreach across settlements Helpline assisting refugees find protection solutions Support to host community college with safe water Sanitation mapping ongoing Cyclone preparedness training intensified Registration and verification Refugee arrival trends Quick facts and figures UNHCR and partners relocated 33…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Rohingya Refugee Response | Monthly Snapshot (August 2018)

SITUATION OVERVIEW WFP supports Rohingya refugees with life -saving food assistance through in-kind distributions, e-vouchers, malnutrition prevention and treatment programmes along with essential support to vulnerable members of the host community. WFP and partners are also enhancing…

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