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Bangladesh + 1 more

Current Level of Knowledge, Attitudes, Practices, and Behaviours (KAPB) of the Rohingya Refugees and Host Community in Cox’s Bazar: A Report on Findings from the Baseline Survey

Executive Summary Members of the Rohingya community from Myanmar have sought refuge in Bangladesh at least since the 1970s. Increased attacks on the Rohingya community in Myanmar, following August 2017, led to a large increase in migration…


Emergency nutrition assessment final report Nayapara registered camp and makeshift settlements Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh 20 October- 8 November 2018

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Emergency Nutrition Assessment Round 3 was composed of two cross sectional and population representative SMART surveys within Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh. The aim of the assessment was to understand the nutrition status of the Rohingya…


Skills Training Increases Crop Production, Incomes

“Before, we had to travel to buy our vegetables from the market, but now, with our own garden, we make what we need and have more choices at home.” Four women—Najma, Corimon, Samina and Moiful— live in…

News and Press Release
26 Nov 2018

Bangladesh + 1 more

Stories from Bangladesh: preventing malnutrition in the midst of a crisis

by Astrid Klomp, Nutrition Manager C-MAMI I am standing on the top of a hill in Kutupalong, Bangladesh from where I can see several hills in front of me covered with small bamboo and tarpaulin huts –…

News and Press Release
23 Nov 2018

Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh Operational Update, 1 - 15 November 2018

IN THIS UPDATE: Assessment of voluntary return intentions of refugees to Myanmar Refugee volunteers completed over 200 projects Bangladesh police trained on refugee protection Refugees lead the Greening Campaign in Kutupalong Field healthcare workers prepare for emergencies Registration and verification progress Arrival trends Quick…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh: Rohingya Refugee Response | Situation Report #20 (19 November 2018)

In Numbers 725,000 refugee arrivals since August 2017. 14,000 refugee arrivals since January 2018. During October: 884,564 refugees received General Food Assistance (GFA) • 673,800 refugees through in-kind GFA. • 210,764 refugees through E-vouchers. Highlights • WFP Executive Director, David Beasley visited Cox’s…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Fact Sheet: Myanmar Refugee Crisis (November, 2018)

Since 25 August 2017, over 700,00 refugees from Myanmar have fled to Bangladesh. Over 900,000 refugees are now living in Cox's Bazar (ISCG Report, November 15, 2018), including those who arrived before the exodus. Women, children…

News and Press Release
21 Nov 2018

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