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Bangladesh + 1 more

Cox’s Bazar: Community Feedback & Referral Analysis - First Quarter, 2024

About the overall initiative & Reports: Zite Manager combines new open-source data management platforms with private-sector best practices to redesign humanitarian operations to be more effective, efficient, and accountable to their objectives. As a complex intervention now…

Situation Report
2 May 2024

Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh Operational Update, February 2024

KEY UPDATES 2024 JOINT RESPONSE PLAN (JRP): The 2024 JRP appeal, to be launched on 13 March in Geneva, requests continuing support for 1.35 million vulnerable Rohingya people and host communities. Underfunding in previous years has had…

Bangladesh + 2 more

Bangladesh Market Monitor - January 2024

Key Messages The general inflation again had a resurgence in January 2024 hitting 9.86 percent, after reaching an 8-month low in December 2023, primarily driven by a notable 10.6 percent increase in non-food inflation, hitting 9.42 percent.…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh Country Brief, March 2024

In Numbers 976.8 mt food distributed US$ 10.7 million distributed in cash-based transfers US$ 55.9 million net funding requirements under the country strategic plan (April – September 2024) 1 million people assisted Operational Updates On 13 March, humanitarian partners, led by the…

Bangladesh + 1 more

Qatar Charity supports Rohingya refugees with food security projects

Qatar Charity (QC) continues to implement the agricultural ‘Livelihood’ project, launched in June 2023, aiming to alleviate the plight of Rohingya refugees residing on the Bhasan Char Island of Bangladesh. The project is benefiting 200 refugees. The…

News and Press Release
Qatar Charity
23 Apr 2024

Bangladesh + 17 more

USAID, USDA to Begin Emergency Food Aid Allocation to Strengthen Global Food Security

For Immediate Release Office of Press Relations press@usaid.gov Thursday, April 18, 2024 Press Release Today, USAID Administrator Power and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack announced they will begin to use the $1 billion in Commodity Credit Corporation funding to purchase,…

News and Press Release
19 Apr 2024

Bangladesh + 1 more

Bangladesh: Annual Country Report 2023 - Country Strategic Plan 2022-2026

Overview Key messages Through a multifaceted approach encompassing capacity strengthening, policy dialogue, and innovation, WFP contributed meaningfully to Bangladesh's progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2 (Zero Hunger). Central to these efforts has been collaborative engagement with diverse stakeholders,…

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