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Bangladesh + 1 more

UNHCR Bangladesh Operational Update, April 2024

KEY UPDATES ● 2024 JOINT RESPONSE PLAN (JRP): As of 30 April, the 2024 JRP was 16% funded, with USD 133.2 million received against an appeal of USD 852.4 million. The 2024 JRP requests continued support for…

Bangladesh + 1 more

WFP Bangladesh Country Brief, April 2024

In Numbers 832.8 mt food distributed US$ 10.9 million distributed in cash-based transfers US$ 46.5 million net funding requirements under the country strategic plan (May – October 2024) 1 1 million people assisted Operational Updates Social Protection WFP, in collaboration with development partners,…

Bangladesh + 5 more

Research Report: Impact of Climate Change on the Migration and Displacement Dynamics of Rohingya Refugees (May 2024)

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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY In the disaster-prone Asia-Pacific region, particularly in South Asia, the frequency and intensity of environmental hazards, exacerbated by climate change, pose significant risks. Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh, with floods being the primary driver, recorded the…

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