
ReliefWeb results

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (November 2019)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people (IDPs) 490,000 Children in need in hard-toreach areas Highlights • Over 227,700 population movements were recorded between 9 October and 26 November in the…

Syrian Arab Republic + 11 more

Syria: UNHCR Operational Update, November 2019

As of end of October 2019, UNHCR Syria provided community-based protection to 1,382,627 displaced persons, returnees and host community members, including 256,236 individuals provided with legal assistance, 217,103 children with social and recreational activities in community…

Syrian Arab Republic

Humanitarian Action for Children 2020 - Syrian Arab Republic

After more than eight years of conflict, the situation in the Syrian Arab Republic remains one of the most significant humanitarian crises of our time. The scale, severity and complexity of the humanitarian needs remain extensive,…

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - Humanitarian Situation Report (October 2019)

Situation in Numbers 5,000,000 children in need of humanitarian assistance 11,700,000 people in need 6,183,919 Internally displaced people (IDPs) 490,000 Children in need in hard-toreach areas Highlights • As a result of the escalation of the military operation led by Turkey in…

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Turkey Hub Health Cluster Bulletin - September 2019

HIGHLIGHTS • While measles cases have declined nationally since 2018, as well as rates of waterborne disease in hotspot areas, disrupted water networks and waste management, combined with displacement of over estimated 500,000 in 2019, leave millions…

Situation Report
WHO, Health Cluster
15 Nov 2019

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria - September 2019 Humanitarian Results

Situation in Numbers In Syria 5 million # of children affected 11.7 million # of people affected (HNO summary, 2019) UNICEF Appeal 2019 US$ 294.8 Million Funding Status US$ 156.6 Million Highlights: In the northeast of the country, an estimated 160,000 people, including 70,000 children, are reported…

Syrian Arab Republic + 2 more

Syria: Logistics Cluster - Concept of Operations, October 2019

Background Since the beginning of the crisis in 2011, ongoing fighting and widespread insecurity have continued to fuel large-scale displacements, increase vulnerabilities and constrain humanitarian access across the country. According to the 2018 Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO),…

Situation Report
WFP, Logistics Cluster
10 Oct 2019

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