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Syrian Arab Republic

Bi-Weekly Situation Report: Whole of Syria – Issue 23 | 1-15 December 2021

COVID-19 Update COVID-19 STATISTICAL SUMMARY AT WHOLE OF SYRIA LEVEL As of 12 December 2021 178,778 Total cases (including 6,506 health workers) 74,263 Active cases 97,954 Recovered cases 6,561 Deaths 3.7% Case Fatality Rate (CFR) 15 COVID-19 functional laboratories 559,180 COVID-19 tests done 2,582 Overall testing…

Syrian Arab Republic

Whole of Syria Gender-Based Violence Area of Responsibility: Voices from Syria 2022 - Assessment Findings of the Humanitarian Needs Overview [EN/AR]

English version

Executive Summary Gender-Based Violence (GBV) is a dominant feature of the Syrian humanitarian crisis, affecting the lives of millions of women and adolescent girls across the country. In 2021, women and girls across all governorates of Syria…

Protection Cluster, UNFPA
23 Dec 2021
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Syrian Arab Republic

Joint Statement on the Syria Special Envoy Meeting (2 December 2021)

The following is the Joint Statement on the Syria Special Envoy Meeting. Begin Text. Representatives of the Arab League, Egypt, the European Union, France, Germany, Iraq, Jordan, Norway, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the United Kingdom, and the United States met…

News and Press Release
Govt. France, Govt. UK, Govt. Iraq, Govt. Saudi Arabia, Govt. Türkiye, Govt. Germany, Govt. Norway, Govt. Jordan, US DOS, Govt. Egypt, Govt. Lebanon, EU, Govt. Qatar, Arab League
3 Dec 2021

Syrian Arab Republic

UNICEF Whole of Syria Humanitarian Situation Report, August 2021

Highlights The conflict between government allied forces and non-state armed groups in Dara’a Al-Balad continued in August. In total, 36,424 people have now been displaced, including 1,268 people hosted in five schools and two mosques. UNICEF continued…

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