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Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Syria: Parties to Conflict Aggravate Cholera Epidemic [EN/AR/TR/KU]

Arabic version

Turkish Authorities Disrupting Water Supply; Syrian Government Obstructing Aid (Beirut) - Turkish authorities are exacerbating an acute water crisis that is believed to have given rise to the deadly cholera outbreak spreading across Syria and into nearby…

News and Press Release
7 Nov 2022
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Syrian Arab Republic

Cholera spreads across Syria putting vulnerable people at serious risk

Since September 2022, northeast and northwest Syria have been facing a major cholera outbreak. First linked to the contaminated water near the Euphrates River and the severe water shortage in the north of Syria, the outbreak…

News and Press Release
14 Oct 2022

Syrian Arab Republic

WHO Syria Monthly COVID-19 Bulletin (September 2022)

Analysis of epidemiological data for the Whole of Syria A total of 200,056 confirmed COVID-19 cases were reported in Syria between 22 March 2020 and 30 September 2022, of which 103,520 (51.75%) were reported from north-west Syria…

Syrian Arab Republic

Whole of Syria Monthly Situation Report September 2022

HIGHLIGHTS − WHO Regional Director for the Eastern Mediterranean region, Dr Ahmad Al-Mandhari concluded a 4-day mission to Syria during which he met with senior officials and conducted a field visit to Daraa governorate to follow up…

Syrian Arab Republic

Health Sector Syria: WoS Health Cluster Quarterly Meeting, 5-6 October 2022 Damascus, Syria

• 100% bi-weekly (18) national health sector coordination meetings conducted in Damascus. • 100% monthly sub-national health sector coordination meetings (Lattakia/Tartous; Aleppo/NWS; Qamishli/NES; Homs/Hama/Idleb; Deir-ez-Zoir). South remains being covered out of Damascus. • 6 sub-sector working groups activated: RH,…

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