North-West Syria Child Protection Monitoring Framework

The Southern Turkey Child Protection Sub-Cluster (CPSC) has initiated the implementation of a situation and response monitoring mechanism adapted from the global Child Protection in Emergencies (CPiE) Monitoring Toolkit. A Child Protection Monitoring Technical Working Group (CP MTWG), under the umbrella of the CPSC, was established second half of 2017 as to guide the process of establishing the framework for northwest Syria. The purpose of the Child Protection Monitoring Framework is to collect reliable information to support prioritization and targeting of interventions and to improve quality of programs. The information produced will also be used for advocacy with donors, government and implementing agencies when necessary.


The main objective of establishing a response monitoring system within the Gaziantep CPSC is to strengthen the ongoing monitoring of child protection interventions in a more systematic way, in particular the quality of psychosocial support (PSS) services provided to children and their families affected by the conflict.  Not only will it result in strengthening of the overall child protection response, but also to be more accountable to children and their caregivers and their communities.

As for the situation monitoring, data and information collected through this approach will build an evidence base to inform programmatic adjustments and advocacy. It will allow for on-going adapting of plans and improve the quality of programmes if necessary. It will be used to decide on programming priorities and strategies, as well as to inform and advocate with donors and actors within the humanitarian community on the quality of the response to child protection needs of girls and boys.


  • Situation Monitoring Protocol (can be shared upon request).
  • Situation Monitoring: Questionnaire for Key Informants


The main objective of establishing a situation monitoring system within the Gaziantep CPSC is to develop a systematic way to collect, compile and analyse information on a regular basisabout key child protection concerns occurring in Northern Syria in order to strengthen the overall child protection response. 

Data and information collected through this approach will build an evidence base to inform programming and advocacy. It will allow for on-going adapting of plans and programmes based on emerging trends if necessary. It will be used to inform priorities and strategies, as well as to advocate with donors and actors within the humanitarian community on the needs of girls and boys living in these areas. 


  • Response Monitoring Protocol (can be shared upon request).
  • Tools will be uploaded shortly.


The Child Protection dashboard provides a snapshot of some key child protection concerns that affect children and their families in non-government held areas in northwest Syria. Data is collected through key informant interviews on a monthly basis. The dashboard is generated from member data and updated monthly and will need to be read in conjunction with quarterly narrative reports.