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Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: Flash update on recent events - 18 October 2017

This update provides a summary of recent displacement, along with developments from the UNHCR co-led Sector/Clusters of Protection, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Shelter/Non Food Items (SNFI). KEY DISPLACEMENT STATISTICS (AS OF 10 OCTOBER 2017) 996,436…

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: Flash update on recent events - 11 October 2017

This update provides a summary of recent displacement, along with developments from the UNHCR co-led Sector/Clusters of Protection, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Shelter/Non Food Items (SNFI). KEY DISPLACEMENT STATISTICS (AS OF 3 OCTOBER 2017) 957,654…

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

North Syria – Turkey Hub Factsheet - August 2017

The Shelter and NFIs Cluster, led by UNHCR and co-led by Global Communities, coordinates the efforts of 48 member organizations. The Cluster addresses the coordination of emergency Shelter and NFI needs and promotes household and community…

News and Press Release
UNHCR, Shelter Cluster
15 Sep 2017

Syrian Arab Republic + 2 more

Syria: 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan Monitoring Report, January - June 2017 [EN/AR]

Full report - English version

TOP LINE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Humanitarian Needs Humanitarian needs remain staggering in terms of scale, severity and complexity indicating little overall improvement in the humanitarian situation in Syria. Against the continued backdrop of high levels of violence and…

Evaluation and Lessons Learned
30 Aug 2017
Téléchargement  + 2 more

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: Flash update on recent events - 30 August 2017

This update provides a summary of recent displacement, along with developments from the UNHCR co-led Sector/Clusters of Protection, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Shelter/Non Food Items (SNFI). KEY DISPLACEMENT STATISTICS (AS OF 22 AUGUST 2017) 942,130…

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

North Syria – Turkey Hub Factsheet - July 2017

The Shelter and NFIs Cluster, led by UNHCR and co-led by Global Communities, coordinates the efforts of 48 member organizations. The Cluster addresses the coordination of emergency Shelter and NFI needs and promotes household and community…

News and Press Release
UNHCR, Shelter Cluster
28 Aug 2017

Syrian Arab Republic

Syria: Flash update on recent events - 3 August 2017

This update provides a summary of recent displacement, along with developments from the UNHCR co-led Sector/Clusters of Protection, Camp Coordination and Camp Management (CCCM) and Shelter/Non Food Items (SNFI). KEY DISPLACEMENT STATISTICS (AS OF 25 JULY 2017) 938,054…

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Syria: Emergency NFI Sector Factsheet July 2016 [EN/AR]

English version

Background Non-Food Items (NFIs) support remains a primary need for the crisis-affected population, with an estimated 5.3 million people in need of this kind of support. Access to and availability of NFIs remains limited. A number of…

Situation Report
UNHCR, Shelter Cluster
29 Aug 2016
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Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Syria: Emergency NFI Sector Factsheet June 2016 [EN/AR]

English version

Background Non-Food Items (NFIs) support remains a primary need for the crisis-affected population, with the estimation of 5.3 million people in need of this kind of support. Evictions, insecure tenure and repeated displacements remain a chronic problem.…

Situation Report
UNHCR, Shelter Cluster
20 Jul 2016
Téléchargement  + 1 more

Syrian Arab Republic + 1 more

Whole of Syria protection response: Who we are - July 2016

Across Syria, the Protection Sector is working to improve the protection context of millions of people who face protection threats. In 2016, the protection sector aims to provide 10.9 million services to people all across Syria…

Situation Report
UNHCR, Protection Cluster
19 Jul 2016

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