Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI)

The Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) is a global partnership composed of 20 organizations including FAO, IOM, UNDP, UNICEF and UNFPA (executive partners), GNDR, IFRC, OCHA, UNESCO, UNOPS, WFP, WHO, WMO (technical partners) and GFDRR, OECD, ODI, RedR Australia, UNITAR, UNDRR, UN WOMEN (advisory partners).

The CADRI Partnership aims at contributing towards the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by providing countries with capacity development services to help them reduce climate and disaster risk. The CADRI Partnership provides countries with a mechanism to mobilize multi-disciplinary expertise in disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation across a wide range of socio-economic sectors to strengthen risk information systems, prioritize risk reduction in national and local plans, and enhance preparedness systems.

Upon request from the government through the UN Resident Coordinator, CADRI Partners can deploy interagency teams to facilitate capacity diagnosis in climate and disaster risk reduction with a view to risk-inform development planning or humanitarian response. CADRI Partners build upon the in-country presence of its member organizations to support the implementation of these actions through technical assistance.

The delivery of the CADRI capacity development services to countries is made possible by the CADRI regional facilitation functions performed by CADRI Regional Host Agencies. In the West and Central Africa region, the CADRI Partnership is co-hosted by the Regional Offices of FAO and IOM. As CADRI technical partner, OCHA contributes to the CADRI Partnership by providing expertise in readiness for disaster response for CADRI country support.

The CADRI Partnership is particularly relevant in West and Central Africa where different types of risks are present, including conflict and climate change. Using the lens of disaster risk reduction and a multi-agency approach enables OCHA and all CADRI partner agencies to analyze the root causes and structural elements of risk to enable them to anticipate, respond to and recover from the impact of crises that call for a humanitarian response. OCHA’s expertise in emergency preparedness and early warning is crucial to the work of the CADRI Partnership. OCHA’s experience in humanitarian coordination is highly relevant particularly in contexts where the humanitarian and development nexus is considered. In support of preparedness for response, the CADRI Partnership can also mobilize expertise from UNDAC system which is managed by OCHA.

For more information on the CADRI Partnership please consult or submit a query to: .

Key Documents

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CADRI Annual Report 2019

Foreword This annual report highlights the progress and results achieved during 2019. It provides an overview of the Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) activities at country, regional and global level, as well as an interim financial…

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ReliefWeb results


CADRI Partnership: Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative

What We Offer 1 Climate and Disaster Risk Information Systems Deployment of multi-sectoral expertise to set up integrated, multi-hazard country risk information systems that are accessible to users at all levels. 2 Risk-informed Plans and Programmes Deployment of multi-sectoral expertise…