
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo: DIEM - Data in Emergencies Monitoring brief, Round 7 - Results and recommendations (April 2024)

Key highlights Food insecurity remains a cause for concern, with 48 percent of the respondent households experiencing moderate or severe insecurity, and 16 percent suffering from severe insecurity. The provinces most affected were Nord-Ubangi (59 percent), Tanganyika (58…

Cameroon + 3 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report No. 1 - January to March 2024

Highlights Between January and March 2024, 13,300 children who were suffering from wasting were admitted and received treatment in UNICEF-supported health facilities. Almost 21,000 children continued their learning in the North-West and South-West through radio education. UNICEF and its…

Chad + 1 more

Rapport hebdomadaire de la crise humanitaire et sanitaire à l’est du Tchad liée à l’afflux des réfugiés et des retournés suite au conflit soudanais (Période du 29/04 au 05/05/2024)

POINTS SAILLANTS • Le Tchad est le pays africain le plus touché par le conflit armé au Soudan, avec 45,4 % des réfugiés soudanais accueillis à ce jour. • En date du 05 mai 2024, 3 624 nouveaux…

Situation Report
Govt. Chad, WHO
5 May 2024

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