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Mauritania: 2024 IFRC network country plan (15 May 2024)

IFRC NETWORK ACTION JOINT SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Mauritania, located in West Africa, shares its borders with the Atlantic Ocean to the west, Senegal to the south, Mali to the east and southeast, Algeria to the northeast, and Western Sahara…


Guinea 2024-2025 IFRC network country plan (15 May 2024)

IFRC NETWORK ACTION JOINT SITUATIONAL ANALYSIS Guinea, spanning 245,857 km with a population of around 13.9 million and a 2.5 per cent rate of annual growth, is a developing country ranking 181 in the Human Development Index (HDI). More…


Chad | Humanitarian Response Plan 2024

Chad now has the seventh highest number of refugees in the world. This is putting pressure on the limited natural resources of host communities, already struggling to cope with years of armed conflict, socioeconomic challenges and…

Chad + 1 more

Rapport de l’evaluation rapide multisectorielle des besoins des communautés hôtes de l’Est du Tchad dans les quatre provinces affectées par la crise soudanaise - 11 au 15 Mars 2024

Contexte de l’Est du Tchad L'Est du Tchad fait face à une crise humanitaire d'une ampleur sans précédent, exacerbée par le déplacement de plus de 600 000 nouveaux réfugiés en provenance du Soudan depuis avril 2023. En…


A Bridge Against Hunger

In Liberia, Welthungerhilfe is working together with the community to improve agriculture. It is also building motorcycle tracks, bridges and hospitals and driving technological progress. What does this have to do with fighting hunger? This is…

News and Press Release
15 May 2024

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