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MCC responds to disastrous floods in Burundi with local partners

Summary: In response to extreme rainfall, floods and landslides, MCC and its partners in Burundi are working together to help 500 families who have been affected. By Jason Dueck June 20, 2024 MCC and its partners in Burundi are…

News and Press Release
20 Jun 2024

Cameroon + 7 more

Protection is paramount for more than 470,000 refugees in Cameroon

BACKGROUND Cameroon, once lauded for its relative stability, faces multiple complex and deepening crises today. These include the violence perpetrated by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) in the Far North region, in the Northwest and Southwest regions and…

News and Press Release
Action Against Hunger, CARE, CRS, DRC, NRC, Plan International
20 Jun 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

WFP Democratic Republic of Congo Country Brief, May 2024

In Numbers 9,000 mt of food commodities distributed USD 5 million distributed in cash-based transfers USD 409 million six-month (June to November 2024) net funding requirements 1.6 million people assisted in April 2024 Situation Update • The conflict in DRC has intensified…

Niger + 6 more

Niger Assistance Overview, June 2024

CONTEXT Populations across Niger face high levels of humanitarian need due to the compounded effects of protracted conflict and climatic shocks, such as drought and flooding. As a result, more than 3.4 million people across Niger are…

News and Press Release
20 Jun 2024

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Situation Report, 19 June 2024

HIGHLIGHTS Cameroon Humanitarian Response Plan 2024: US$371.4 million requires to assist 2.3 million most vulnerable people. The ordeal of repeated fires ravaging IDP settlements in Far North Cameroon. Natural disasters and climate change at the root of community crises…

Sao Tome and Principe

WFP São Tomé and Principe Country Brief, April – May 2024

In Numbers US$ 2.2 million six-month (June 2024 – November 2024) net funding requirements 6,695 people trained in April-May 2024 Operational Updates In April, the country office organized a high-level mission to Luanda, Angola. The objective of this mission was…

Chad + 4 more

WFP Chad Country Brief, March/April 2024

In Numbers 1.1 million people assisted* 9,789 mt of food assistance delivered US$ 2.9 million in cash-based transfers made US$ 309 million six-month net funding requirements (May - October 2024) Operational Updates In collaboration with the Government of Chad, WFP finalized the…

Burkina Faso + 7 more

Le PAM lance une réponse majeure à la période de soudure en Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale malgré une diminution des financements des opérations humanitaires

DAKAR – Le Programme Alimentaire Mondial des Nations Unies (PAM) intensifie son programme d'assistance alimentaire et nutritionnelle vitale en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale, ciblant 7,3 millions de personnes pendant la période de soudure, de juin…

News and Press Release
19 Jun 2024

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