Cartes / Infographies

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Nigeria Livelihood Zones, May 2014

Summary The Livelihood Zone Map for Nigeria is the result of secondary data review and key informant workshops in March and April 2014. A livelihood zone is an area within which people share broadly the same pattern of…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 5 more

RD Congo: Aperçu humanitaire (Mai 2014)

La situation volatile dans la province du Katanga, la partie nord du Nord-Kivu et dans le sud du territoire d'Irumu en Province Orientale continue à déplacer les populations et limite l'accès aux communautés affectées.

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 15 May 2014)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Confrontations between armed groups and direct attacks against villages continued over the past week in the north-western part of the country, notably in Grimari (Ouaka), Dekoa (Kemo), Bamatara and Botokon (Nana-Gribizi). Thousands of people fled…

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