Cartes / Infographies

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Chad + 3 more

Chad: Humanitarian situation overview (as of 1 October 2016)

Chad faces a numerous simultaneous and inter-connected humanitarian crises in a broader context of chronic vulnerability. Insecurity in the region has caused significant population movement from neighbouring countries (Sudan, CAR, Nigeria) as well as internal displacement.…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroun : Tableau de bord humanitaire (Janvier -Septembre 2016)

SUIVI DE LA REPONSE HUMANITAIRE 2016 En Janvier 2016, la communauté humanitaire a estimé que 2.7 millions de personnes auraient besoin d'une assistance humanitaire. Parmis ces 2.7 million de personnes, 1.1 million ont été ciblées dans le…

Mauritania + 3 more

Desert Locust outbreak in Mauritania (1 May – 25 October 2016)

14 pages

NOV 2016 FORECAST Locusts will decline in southeast Mauritania as a few remaining groups form and move to the northwest where they will supplement egg-laying that started during the last week of September. Second-generation hatching that commenced…

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