Cartes / Infographies

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Chad + 1 more

Tchad: Aperçu de la situation humanitaire au Sud (octobre - décembre 2023)

APERCU La situation humanitaire au Sud reste marquée par des crises diverses, notamment la rise centrafricaine, les conflits inter/intracommunautaires, les enlèvements, les inondations, l'insécurité alimentaire et les urgences sanitaires. En novembre 2023, de affrontements armés à Moyenne-Sido (République…

Chad + 1 more

Chad - Humanitarian situation in the South (October - December 2023)

OVERVIEW The humanitarian situation in the South continues to be characterised by multiple crises, including the Central African crisis, inter/intracommunal conflicts, abductions, floods, food insecurity and health emergencies. In November 2023, armed clashes in Moyenne-Sido, Central African Republic…

Chad + 1 more

Chad - Humanitarian situation in the East, as of February 2024

Overview The humanitarian situation in eastern Chad at the end of January continued to be characterised by a massive influx of 553,150 new Sudanese refugees fleeing violence in Sudan, distributed in the provinces of Ouaddaï (over 380,000…

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