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Findings from the Joint Rapid Food Security Assessment: Impact of EVD on Food Security situation in Liberia - November 2014, data collected between the 27 September and 12 October

CONTEXT OF THE ASSESSMENT The current Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak that still rages in some areas of Liberia, originated in the Gueckedou forest in Guinea, where the first cases appeared in December 2013 but were only…

Cabo Verde

Initial Assessment Report - Cabo Verde Volcano Eruption

SITUATION OVERVIEW The analysis in this document is based on the assessment conducted by the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination Team and secondary data consolidated by the United Nations Office in Cabo …

UN in Cabo Verde
9 Dec 2014

Central African Republic

Rapport d’Evaluation Multisectorielle - RRM : Batobadja - Matcheka - Préfecture de la Ouaka, 27 – 28 Octobre 2014

RECOMMANDATIONS Distribution de NFI pour les populations déplacées nouvellement arrivées ; Distribution de vivres pour les populations déplacées (effectué 2 jours après l’enquête par le PAM) ; Aide à la construction d’abris en distribuant des bâches pour les populations…

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This selection of évaluations for Sécurité Alimentaire et Nutrition is powered by ReliefWeb.

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