
ReliefWeb results

Burundi + 1 more

Burundi: Operational Update - May 2024

In May 2024, 3,059 Burundian refugees from 927 households were voluntarily repatriated mainly from Tanzania to their home country of Burundi. Among the returnees’ children accounted for more than half with 1863 repatriated. Additionally, 354 refugees from…

Chad + 8 more

La communauté humanitaire tire la sonnette d'alarme sur l'impact des inondations en Afrique de l'Ouest et centrale : plus de 700 000 personnes déjà affectées cette année

Des investissements dans la préparation, la prévention et les mesures de réponse sont nécessaires pour atténuer l'impact sur les moyens de subsistance et le bien-être des populations Dakar, 13 août 2024 : À peine deux mois après…

News and Press Release
13 Aug 2024


El Niño - Burundi flash update (as of 31 July 2024)

Context Since the beginning of the rainy season in September 2023 to July 2024, more than 298,000 people (54% are women) were affected by torrential rains, floods, landslides and the overflowing of Lake Tanganyika due to the…


Mali Imminent Flood - DREF Operation MDRML019

Description of the Event Approximate date of impact Above-average rainfall is expected from August to October. Flooding may occur throughout this period, but the peak is anticipated in August due to corroborated information from hydro-climatic services, which have…

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