
ReliefWeb results


Nigeria: Flood - 08-2024 - Flooding #13 (2024-08-23)

Description Due to the Heavy Rainfall Jigawa State experienced a Severe flood which led to many people losing lives, and many sustained injuries, many House, shops, and government facilities were destroyed 6692 hectares of farmland were affected…

Situation Report
IFRC, Nigerian Red Cross Society
23 Aug 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 8 more

Emergency Appeal - Africa Region | Mpox Epidemic (MDRS1003)

SITUATION OVERVIEW A worrying surge in Mpox cases and deaths in 2024 is being observed in Africa, with over 17,000 cases and 500 deaths across 12 countries in 2024, representing a 160% and 19% increase in cases…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo - Mise à jour des messages clés : Début de la soudure précoce dans un contexte de continuité des conflits prolongés au pays, août 2024

Messages clé En Ituri, malgré la signature par les groupes armés de l’engagements de cessation des hostilités pendant le mois d’avril 2024, les attaques contre les populations civiles ont persisté notamment par les groupes CODECO, ADF et…

Chad + 6 more

Chad Situation Report #1 - July 2024

At the end of July 2024, torrential rain led to flooding in Western and Southern Chad, resulting in loss of life and the destruction of houses and other buildings. Over 6,300 people are estimated to have…

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