
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 3 more

Int’l Day of Charity: Salesian Missions highlights aid programs that provide basic needs

Salesian missionaries work to ensure humanitarian aid reaches those who need it most (MissionNewswire) Salesian Missions, the U.S. development arm of the Salesians of Don Bosco, joins humanitarian organizations and countries around the globe in honoring the…

News and Press Release
5 Sep 2024

Cameroon + 3 more

WFP Cameroon Country Brief, July 2024

In Numbers 105,993 people assisted 158 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 535,551 in cash-based transfers made US$ 52 million six-month net funding Operational Updates Food assistance during emergencies: WFP assisted 16,830 internally displaced people (IDPs), refugees and vulnerable host populations, distributing…


Transformer des vies en Mauritanie grâce à la protection sociale adaptative

LES POINTS MARQUANTS Avec près de 30% de la population vivant sous le seuil de pauvreté, la Mauritanie s’engage aujourd’hui dans la promotion de la protection sociale comme solution aux défis socio-économiques auxquels est confronté le pays. Plus…

News and Press Release
World Bank
5 Sep 2024


Rwanda: Floods and Landslides - DREF Final Report (MDRRW022)

Date of event 06-05-2023 What happened, where and when? From 1 to 6 May, Rwanda experienced continuous torrential rains, which caused major damage in several districts of the country. According to assessments carried out by the Rwanda Red Cross…


Mali Bulletin des Prix, août 2024

Le Réseau de systèmes d’alerte précoce contre la famine (FEWS NET) surveille les tendances des prix des aliments de base dans les pays vulnérables à l'insécurité alimentaire. Pour chaque pays et chaque région couvert par FEWS…


Transforming lives in Mauritania through adaptive social protection

STORY HIGHLIGHTS With nearly 30% of the population living below the poverty line, Mauritania is now committed to promoting social protection as a solution to the socioeconomic challenges facing the country. More than 200,000 poor households registered in…

News and Press Release
World Bank
5 Sep 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Note de Plaidoyer du Domaine de Responsabilite VBG - GBV AoR Ituri

Contexte La Province de l’Ituri est l’une des provinces de l’Est de la RDC en proie aux graves violations des droits de l’ homme genre notamment la violence basée sur le genre suite à l’activisme des groupes…

GBV AoR, Protection Cluster, UNFPA
5 Sep 2024

Mauritania + 1 more

UNICEF Mauritania Flash Update No. 6 August 2024

Highlights 3,490 children have been vaccinated by the mobile clinics. 16 drinking water supply system have been totally rehabilitated, providing water to over 23,000 people. 142 latrines and shower block have been built, improving access to sanitation and hygiene…

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