
ReliefWeb results


Raising awareness about measles in Chad | MSF and the Chadian Ministry of Public Health have teamed up to launch a major intervention to raise awareness about measles, a main cause of death for children in Chad.

Vaccination coverage remains low throughout Chad, and many families, including those living in urban areas, have difficulty accessing routine immunization services. Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) recently partnered with the Chadian Ministry of Public Health…

News and Press Release
26 Jun 2024


Le journalisme sénégalais à la croisée des chemins

Plus de 70 entraves au travail des reporters en trois ans : le journalisme à la croisée des chemins au Sénégal Reporters sans frontières (RSF) révèle dans son nouveau rapport, “Le journalisme sénégalais à la croisée des…


Niger reinstates prison sentences for journalists for defamation, insult

June 20, 2024 1:59 PM EDT Dakar, June 20, 2024—Nigerien authorities must decriminalize defamation and ensure that the country’s cybercrime law does not unduly restrict the work of the media, the Committee to Protect Journalists said on…

News and Press Release
26 Jun 2024


Poverty, Shared Prosperity, and Equity Update - Guinea Bissau

Poverty in Guinea-Bissau – A look at pre- and post-COVID-19 trends STORY HIGHLIGHTS Poverty continues to be widespread in Guinea-Bissau, having increased by 2.8 percentage points between 2018 and 2021, which is equivalent to over 80,000 additional poor,…


Community Engagement, Accountability and Localization (CEAL) Working Group, Northeast Nigeria - Minutes of Meeting, April 2024 [Meeting Minutes]

Agenda • Welcome and self-introductions • Matters arising from the last meeting • Presentation on the Cash Barometer report by Ground Truths Solutions • Updates and challenges from the field • Presentation on the Hajjia Chatbot Tool for community engagement by…


WFP Nigeria: Situation Report #79 - May 2024

In Numbers 7.9 million people in need. (HRP 2024) 24.9 million food-insecure people require humanitarian assistance in March to May period, including 3.9 million in the northeast (Cadre Harmonisé, March 2024) 2.38 million people internally displaced in northeast (IOM…

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