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Democratic Republic of the Congo

USAID Field Report DR Congo Apr 2005

Program Description The Office of Transition Initiatives (OTI) helps stabilize and revitalize war-torn communities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) by facilitating community-level reintegration of war-affected youth and increasing broad awareness of key transition issues. OTI's objectives are achieved…

30 Apr 2005

Democratic Republic of the Congo

DRC Appeal No. 01.43/2004 Annual Report

In Brief Appeal No.: 01.43/2004 - http://www.ifrc.org/cgi/pdf_appeals.pl?annual04/014304.pdf Appeal target: CHF 2,024,065 (USD 1,520,363 or EUR 1,303,099) Appeal coverage: 60.4% Appeal 2005: Democratic Republic of the Congo no. 05AA035 - http://www.ifrc.org/cgi/pdf_appeals.pl?annual05/05AA035.pdf Overall analysis of the programme In broad terms, the Red Cross of the Democratic Republic…


Burundi: Appeal No. 01.01/2004 Annual Report

In Brief Appeal No.: 01.01/2004 Appeal target: CHF 453,755 (USD 340,784 or EUR 292,085) Appeal coverage: 57.7% Appeal 2005: East Africa sub-regional programmes no. 05AA004 Operational Context Overall analysis of the programme Implementation of the peace process following the Arusha peace…


USAID Field Report Liberia Apr 2005

Program Description The Liberia Transition Initiatives (LTI) supports youth focused efforts to advance prospects for an inclusive, peaceful, political transition in Liberia in the context of the 2003 Comprehensive Peace Accord (CPA). By increasing public understanding of…

30 Apr 2005


Liberia: Appeal No. 01.25/2004 Annual Report

In Brief Appeal No.: 01.25/2004 - http://www.ifrc.org/cgi/pdf_appeals.pl?annual04/012504.pdf Appeal target: CHF 1,357,870 (USD 1,019,805 or EUR 874,071) Appeal coverage: 91.7% Appeal 2005: Liberia no. 05AA022 - http://www.ifrc.org/cgi/pdf_appeals.pl?annual05/05AA022.pdf Overall analysis of the programme The ICRC in collaboration with the Federation has been actively involved…

Togo + 8 more

Afrique de l'Ouest: Rapport sur la situation humanitaire No 15, Avril 2005

Evénements significatifs Réfugiés togolais au Ghana et au Bénin Suite aux élections du 24 avril au Togo la situation a mené à d'importants mouvements de populations vers le Ghana et le Bénin voisins. Selon le HCR, il s'agit d'environ 12…

Situation Report
30 Apr 2005

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone Appeal No. 01.26/2004 Annual Report

In Brief Appeal No.: 01.26/2004 - http://www.ifrc.org/cgi/pdf_appeals.pl?annual04/012604.pdf Appeal target: CHF 4,233,599 (USD 3,179,571 or EUR 2,725,201) Appeal coverage: 67.2% Appeal 2005: Sierra Leone no. 05AA023 - http://www.ifrc.org/cgi/pdf_appeals.pl?annual05/05AA023.pdf Overall analysis of the programme Sierra Leone's 11-year conflict caused immense suffering and devastation to the country. Still,…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Monitoring de la situation humanitaire en RDC du 23 au 29 avril 2005

Ce rapport ne reflète pas nécessairement la position officielle des Nations Unies. FAITS MAJEURS OCHA a démarré cette semaine l'évaluation des besoins humanitaires dans 8 provinces de la République Démocratique du Congo. 6 équipes d'évaluateurs (6 consultants internationaux et 24 nationaux)…

Côte d'Ivoire + 1 more

Côte d'Ivoire: OCHA Weekly Update No. 2

I Key events On Tuesday 26th April, President Laurent Gbagbo announced in a nationally televised speech that all political leaders, signatories of the Linas-Marcoussis Peace Accord, are eligible to run for presidential elections slated for October 2005, specifically mentioning the name…

Situation Report
29 Apr 2005

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