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Mali Crisis Response Plan 2023 - 2024 (January - December 2024)

IOM Vision IOM Mali in partnership with key stakeholders, including governmental, nongovernmental organizations and other United Nations agencies, will provide multi-sectoral humanitarian assistance to internally displaced persons (IDPs) and affected communities, while tackling the pre-existing drivers of…

Côte d'Ivoire + 2 more

Northern Côte d'Ivoire Crisis Response Plan 2024

Full report

IOM Vision IOM aims to contribute to durable and inclusive well-being, social cohesion, and peacebuilding in the northern regions of Côte d’Ivoire, working to reduce vulnerabilities while strengthening resilience and prosperity in areas impacted by human mobility.…

Chad + 1 more

Chad Crisis Response Plan 2024

Full Report

Chad is a landlocked country in Central Africa, that, in addition to being affected by several interlocking crises, shares borders with crisis-affected countries such as Libya, Niger, Nigeria, Cameroon, Sudan, and the Central African Republic. In…

Central African Republic + 1 more

Central African Republic Crisis Response Plan 2024

Full Report

The Central African Republic (CAR) has been affected by a complex political and security crisis since 2013, leading to an acute humanitarian situation. Displacement and violence occurring in a fragile national context have had serious consequences…

Cameroon + 1 more

Cameroon Crisis Response Plan 2024


IOM Vision IOM Cameroon's strategic crisis response approach rests on two key pillars: emergency response to crisis and peacebuilding, and transition and recovery, while mainstreaming the humanitarian-development-peace nexus. To this end, IOM Cameroon provides critical information on…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo Crisis Response Plan 2024

IOM Vision In 2024, IOM seeks to respond to the critical needs of conflict and disaster-affected populations, including internally displaced persons (IDPs), returnees, and host communities, through the provision of multisectoral humanitarian assistance. In line with a…

Burundi + 3 more

Burundi Crisis Response Plan 2024-2026


IOM Vision In partnership with the Government of Burundi and other partners, IOM addresses immediate humanitarian needs while ensuring long-term actions to build resilience and foster sustainable peace and development among crisis-affected populations in Burundi, including vulnerable…

Central African Republic

République centrafricaine : Compte rendu de la séance de briefing des membres du Cluster Éducation sur la protection et la prévention contre l’exploitation et l’abus sexuel, 08/05/2024 [Meeting Minutes]

Ordre du jour Exploitation et Abus Sexuel Bulletin du Secrétaire Général de l’ONU et Politique de Tolérance Zero Signalement des Allégations SEA et Harcèlement Sexuel Discussion ouverte et mise en perspective

Education Cluster, Govt. CAR, Save the Children, UNICEF
8 May 2024

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