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Democratic Republic of the Congo

FAST Update DRC/Kivu region: Semi-annual risk assessment Dec 2005 to Jun 2006

Country Stability and Confrontational Events (relative) Average number of reported events per month: 94Indicator description: see appendix Risk Assessment: As indicated in the graphs, conflictive events peaked in January when dissident RCD-G commander Laurent Nkunda clashed with the FARDC…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Plan d'action 2006 pour la République démocratique du Congo

Introduction Le Plan d'action 2006 pour la RDC vise à la fois, à fournir un cadre pour mener les activités huma-nitaires et de stabilisation dans ce pays a?n de sauver des vies, dès lors qu'elles sont menacées par des con?its…


Burundi: Still no end to displacement, despite political progress

Several hundred thousand internally displaced people (IDPs) and refugees have returned home since 2003, due to the general improvement of security in Burundi, following the signing of ceasefire agreements between the government and several rebel groups. Hopes that the remaining…


For the price of a bike - Child trafficking in Togo

The trafficking of children is one of the most severe violations of human rights in the world today, involving over a million children worldwide and hundreds of thousands of children in West Africa alone. This booklet is about the…

Plan International
23 May 2005


République du Congo: Pool - Une crise humanitaire

Rapport d'évaluation humanitaire conjointe dans la région du Pool République du Congo Objectifs globaux Au cours de l'année 2004, des missions conjointes ont été conduites par le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires (OCHA) et ses partenaires…


United Nations/World Bank Joint Needs Assessment Feb 2004

Executive summary The process and scope of the Needs Assessment i. This Joint Needs Assessment was undertaken by the United Nations and World Bank Group, under the guidance and auspices of the National Transitional Government of Liberia (NTGL) and the coordination of…

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