Cartes / Infographies

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Satellite detected water and landslide/mudflow extents in Brazzaville Department, Republic of Congo as of 8 February 2024 - Imagery Analysis: 08/02/2024 | Published 16/02/2024 V1

This map illustrates satellite-detected surface waters and landslides/mudflow extent in the Brazzaville Department, Republic of Congo, as observed from a WorldView-2 image acquired on 8 February 2024, at 10:31 local time. Within the analyzed area of…

Chad + 1 more

Chad - Humanitarian situation in the East, as of February 2024

Overview The humanitarian situation in eastern Chad at the end of January continued to be characterised by a massive influx of 553,150 new Sudanese refugees fleeing violence in Sudan, distributed in the provinces of Ouaddaï (over 380,000…

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