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Rep. of Congo Annual Appeal No. 01.44/2004

Appeal no. 01.44/2004The International Federation's mission is to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity. The Federation is the world's largest humanitarian organization, and its millions of volunteers are active in…

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: Humanitarian Situation Report Dec 2003

The United Nations family in Sierra Leone offers deepest condolences to the bereaved families of peacekeepers from Bangladesh, who were killed in an aircrash on 25 December 2003, over Benin. The UN has confirmed that two Bangladeshi peacekeepers working…

Situation Report
31 Dec 2003


Burundi Briefing Kit and Directory 2003

Country Profile: Republic of Burundi COUNTRY PROFILE BASIC FACTS AND ECONOMY Capital Bujumbura Size 27.834 Km2 Population (Growth) 6.847.009 (Population Growth 2.38%) 2001 *Estimate Head of State Mr Domitien Ndayizeye Currency Burundi Franc 1072.40 francs = US$1 (http://www.oanda.com) Official Languages Kirundi, French (Swahili along Lake Tanganyika and in Bujumbura) Main Religious Groups Catholic 62%, Protestant…

News and Press Release
29 Dec 2003


Liberia Weekly Surveillance Activities Report (22 - 28 Dec 2003)

Table 1. Summary Data for Week 40 to Week 52 Month Dates Week AWD/Cholera ABD AJS/YF Measles Meningitis ALRL Malaria Conf malar. STI TB Severe.Malnu Trauma / Injury Cases Deaths CFR October 29-05 40 2,064 2 0.09 231 0 1 - 1,769 4,402 560 819 2 69 72 06 -12 41 1,566 1 0.06 294 0 5 - 2803 5095 757 1279 9 250 248 13-19 42 1252 4 0.32 189 2 3 - 1,766 3,347 376 477 6 35 165 20-26 43 1005 0 0 251 0 4 - 1,469 4972 527 197 - 69 164 November 27-02 44 1015 1 0.01 151 0 5 - 1,337 3,568 280 600 6 31 73 03-09 45 922 1 0.1 248 0 2 - 1334 5021 801 422 11 21 14 10-16 46 911 1 0.1 237 0 7 2 1139 6318 1616 755 7 212 107 17-23 47 972 0 0.0 192 0 11 0 1022 5436 767 608 0 86 45 24-30 48 823 0 0.0 183 0 0 0 1,184 5,633 1,108 321 8 183 60 December 01-07 49 675 0 0.0 137 1 1 0 1,045 4,227 1,062 315 3 107 62 08-14 50 844 0 0.0 145 0 0 0 822 3,545 646 132 6 82 23 15-21 51 492 0 0.0 102 1 2 2 603 2,484 597 525 1 43 13 22-28 52 342 0 0.0 40 1 2 0 483 2,068 564 155 5 17 0 Source of data: Week 52 data were collected from thirty six health facilities (34 clinics and two hospitals /one CTU in JFK and…

Situation Report
28 Dec 2003


Liberia Weekly Surveillance Activities Report (15 - 21 Dec 2003)

Table1. Summary data for Week 40 to Week 51 Month Dates Week AWD/ Cholera Death CFR % ABD AJS/YF Measles Meningitis ALRL Malaria Conf malar. STI TB Severe. Mal nu Trauma / Injury October 29-05 40 2,064 2 0.09 231 0 1 - 1,769 4,402 560 819 2 69 72 06 -12 41 1,566 1 0.06 294 0 5 - 2803 5095 757 1279 9 250 248 13-19 42 1252 4 0.32 189 2 3 - 1,766 3,347 376 477 6 35 165 November 20-26 43 1005 0 0 251 0 4 - 1,469 4972 527 197 - 69 164 27-02 44 1015 1 0.01 151 0 5 - 1,337 3,568 280 600 6 31 73 03-09 45 922 1 0.1 248 0 2 - 1334 5021 801 422 11 21 14 10-16 46 911 1 0.1 237 0 7 2 1139 6318 1616 755 7 212 107 17-23 47 972 0 0.0 192 0 11 0 1022 5436 767 608 0 86 45 December 24-30 48 823 0 0.0 183 0 0 0 1,184 5,633 1,108 321 8 183 60 01-07 49 675 0 0.0 137 1 1 0 1,045 4,227 1,062 315 3 107 62 08-14 50 844 0 0.0 145 0 0 0 822 3,545 646 132 6 82 23 15-21 51 492 0 0.0 102 1 2 2 603 2,484 597 525 1 43 13 Source of data: Week 51 data were collected from thirty four health facilities (32 clinics and two hospitals /one CTU…

Situation Report
27 Dec 2003


Liberia Humanitarian Situation Update No. 78

19-24 December 2003 General Situation I. IDPs The relocation from the irregular shelter SKD that commenced on 19 December, ended 20 December, totaling the number of relocated IDPs to the six regular IDP camps in Montserrado County to 3,779.…

Situation Report
24 Dec 2003

Sierra Leone + 2 more

20th SG Report on the UN Mission in Sierra Leone (S/2003/1201)

S/2003/1201I. Introduction 1. The present report is submitted pursuant to Security Council resolution 1492 (2003) of 18 July 2003, in which the Council approved my recommendation for adjusting the drawdown plan of the United Nations Mission in…

UN Document
23 Dec 2003

Côte d'Ivoire + 1 more

ICMRT Shoreline team and Bothell Church come to the aid of Ivory Coast refugees

(Shoreline, WA - December 22, 2003) The destruction of health care facilities and the interruption of health programs are continuing to have a devastating impact on the health of local populations, internally displaced persons and refugees of the Ivory…

News and Press Release
22 Dec 2003

Burundi + 9 more

Government of the Netherlands: Africa Memorandum 2003

Main features of Dutch policy on Africa 1.1 Dutch policy on Africa: key aspects Sub-Saharan Africa is the only part of the world where the general standard of living has been falling in recent decades. Poverty here is worse and…

Côte d'Ivoire + 2 more

Polio in West Africa at crisis point, says Bellamy

ACCRA/NEW YORK/GENEVA, 19 December 2003 The alarming spread of polio in West Africa is now the biggest threat to global eradication of the disease, UNICEF Executive Director Carol Bellamy told leaders of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)…

News and Press Release
19 Dec 2003

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