
ReliefWeb results

Côte d'Ivoire

Côte d'Ivoire: Civil unrest has been an ally in the rise of polio

NEW YORK, 1 March 2005 - UNICEF and its partners have completed the first round of a campaign to eradicate polio in Côte d'Ivoire. It's part of a global drive to defeat the disease in 2005. 100 million children are…

News and Press Release
1 Mar 2005

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Plague in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - update

The multidisciplinary team arrived in Zobia, Bas-Uele district, Oriental province on 25 February where the suspected cases of pneumonic plague have occurred (see previous report). The team now consists of epidemiologists, a clinician, data manager, logistician and experts in social mobilization…

News and Press Release
1 Mar 2005

Central African Republic

Central African Republic: Last chance to eradicate polio, WHO official says

[This report does not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations] BOSSANGOA , 28 February (IRIN) - Efforts to eradicate polio from the world in 2004 failed, but the Central African Republic (CAR), as well as 21 other African…

News and Press Release
28 Feb 2005


WFP Liberia: Lofa County Food Security & Nutrition Assessment Feb 2005

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT WFP Liberia Country Office funded the Food Security and Nutrition Survey conducted between January and February 2005 in Lofa County. WFP wishes to acknowledge the assistance provided by the Government counterparts, NGOs and UN sister agencies. In particular, WFP is…


Rapport de situation humanitaire en Guinée - Février 2005

Evènements marquants Missions de bailleurs de fonds et d'Institutions Internationales en Guinée Poursuite de l'enquête suite à l'attentat du 19 janvier Lenteur dans le processus de rapatriement des réfugiés libériens Initiatives de paix dans la région du Fleuve Mano Ouverture de…

Situation Report
28 Feb 2005

Burkina Faso + 6 more

Afrique de l'Ouest: Rapport sur la situation humanitaire No 13, Février 2005

I. EVENEMENTS SIGNIFICATIFS Le Département des Affaires Politiques des Nations Unies a effectué une mission en Guinée Bissau du 14 au 16 février. Ont participé à cette mission, des représentants des départements des affaires économiques et sociales, politiques, humanitaires et…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Life-saving immunization drive launches in DR Congo

NEW YORK, 28 February 2005 - The conflict in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is one of the worst humanitarian crises in the world and has bred a generation of children who are sadly versed in violence and…

News and Press Release
28 Feb 2005


République du Congo: Pool - Une crise humanitaire

Rapport d'évaluation humanitaire conjointe dans la région du Pool République du Congo Objectifs globaux Au cours de l'année 2004, des missions conjointes ont été conduites par le Bureau des Nations Unies pour la Coordination des Affaires Humanitaires (OCHA) et ses partenaires…

Burkina Faso + 6 more

West Africa: Humanitarian Situation Report No. 13, Feb 2005

I. Significant events The United Nations Department of Political Affairs (DPA) has undertaken a mission to Guinea Bissau from the 14 to 16 February 2005. The mission, led by the Under Secretary-general for Political Affairs, Jack Chistofikdes, also composed of…

Chad + 1 more

Chad: Innovative project tackles diarrhea in kids

ABECHE, CHAD - February 25, 2005 The IRC has launched a project to introduce zinc for the treatment of children's diarrhea. Recent academic studies have shown that zinc has both curative and preventive properties. It reduces the severity and…

News and Press Release
25 Feb 2005

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