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Liberia 2024-2026 IFRC network country plan

Multi-Year Funding Requirement CHF 18.3M NATIONAL SOCIETY PROFILE The Liberian Red Cross Society was created in 1922 when the National Legislature of Liberia passed a joint resolution to give the Voluntary Relief Committee a legal status. It was…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Conflict in DR Congo: What’s happening & how to help

Violence is escalating in eastern DR Congo, where the humanitarian needs are dire and rising. Here’s what to know. A resurgence of violence in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is worsening the already-dire humanitarian emergency in…

News and Press Release
12 Aug 2024

Cameroon + 3 more

UNICEF Cameroon Humanitarian Situation Report No. 02 (Mid-Year) for 01 January 2024 - 30 June 2024

HIGHLIGHTS Life-saving treatment in UNICEF-supported health facilities was provided to 35,910 children who were identified with severe wasting. Child protection interventions reached 28,060 individuals (20,315 children) in crisis-affected regions. UNICEF and its partners provided access to safe water and…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 8 more

Outbreak Report, 30 July 2024: Mpox Situation in Africa

I- Current Situation Mpox in Africa: Since the beginning of 2022 and as of 28 July 2024, a total of 37,583 cases and 1,451 deaths (case fatality rate [CFR]: 3.9%) of mpox have been reported from 15…

Situation Report
Africa CDC
12 Aug 2024

Burundi + 6 more

Opérations du HCR au Burundi, Vue d'ensemble, juillet 2024

L'opération du HCR au Burundi vient en aide aux demandeurs d'asile, réfugiés, déplacés interne et réfugiés burundais rapatriés. Près de 89 000 réfugiés et demandeurs d'asile sont enregistrés dans la base de données du HCR, qui…

Burundi + 6 more

UNHCR Burundi Operations Overview, July 2024

UNHCR's operation in Burundi supports refugees, two-thirds of whom live in camps in the eastern part of the country. Nearly 89,000 refugees and asylum seekers are registered in our database. Durable solutions are sought for vulnerable…


Mali : de violents affrontements forcent les habitants du nord à fuir

Depuis avril 2024, environ 4 000 personnes ont fui les hostilités entre les groupes armés non étatiques et l’armée malienne dans le cercle de Niafounké, une zone située au nord du Mali. Pour soutenir ces populations…

News and Press Release
11 Aug 2024

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