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Mali: Dengue outbreak - DREF Operational Update (MDRML018)

What happened, where and when? The resurgence of the Dengue epidemic in Mali since 9 September 2023, marks one of the most severe outbreaks in decades. With cases spreading rapidly, the Ministry of Health and Social Development…


Liberia Annual Country Report 2023 - Country Strategic Plan 2019 - 2026

Overview Key messages World Food Programme Liberia Country Office Annual Country Report (ACR) 2023 Acknowledging the evolving developmental landscape, WFP has strategically aligned itself as a strategic ally for the Government in fostering nationally driven and sustainable solutions to hunger. Consequently,…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo - Crise Humanitaire : Epidémies, Inondations, Mouvements de populations, Conflits armés, Malnutrition Semaine Epidémiologique S08 (jan - fev 2024)

POINT SAILLANT ➢Lancement du plan de réponse humanitaire 2024. Le cluster sante cible 8,7 millions de personnes parmi les 19.6millions en besoin d’assistance sanitaire d’urgence. ➢Coordination et gestion des inondations qui ont touché 19/26 provinces. ➢Validation de cadre de…

Situation Report
Health Cluster, WHO
1 Apr 2024

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