Cartes / Infographies

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Sierra Leone + 2 more

Ebola Hotspots December 01, 2014

This map shows the location of Ebola Treatment Units in relation to probable and confirmed Ebola cases in the last three weeks prior to November 23, 2014.

Sierra Leone + 2 more

IOM Ebola Crisis Response in West Africa (19 December 2014)

With the assistance and support of donors and implementing partners, IOM delivers an ongoing coordinated response to the Ebola crisis in West Africa, including such services as: Installation of three Ebola Treatment Units in Liberia Training airport…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

RD Congo: Aperçu humanitaire (Novembre 2014)

Avec 2,7 millions de personnes déplacées internes dont plus de 261 000 après juillet 2014 suite aux problèmes sécuritaires, la situation humanitaire en RDC reste préoccupante. A la crise de protection liée aux conflits armés s’ajoutent les problèmes…

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