Cartes / Infographies

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Snapshot GBVIMS Tchad (janvier à juin 2023)

Parmi les cas enregistré il y a 34% de cas d’agression physique, 27% de violence psychologique et 24% dénis de ressources d’opportunité et/ou de service. Les incidents de violence sexuelle représentent 11% des cas déclarés et…

Protection Cluster, UNFPA
14 Sep 2023

Cameroon + 2 more

Cameroon: Humanitarian Dashboard (January to June 2023)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Cameroon continues to be impacted by three complex humanitarian crises: the Lake Chad basin conflict, the North-West (NW) and South-West (SW) crisis, and the Central African Republic (CAR) refugee crisis. In 2023, an estimated 4.7 million…

Nigeria + 3 more

Lake Chad Basin: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 28 August 2023)

Fourteen years into the Lake Chad Basin crisis, the situation remains far from resolved, despite concerted efforts from governmental and humanitarian bodies, as well as organizations focused on development, peace, and stabilization. Currently, an estimated 11.1…

Nigeria + 8 more

Sahel Dashboard: Humanitarian Overview (As of 28 August 2023)

The humanitarian and security landscape in the Sahel continues to be fraught with challenges, affecting millions across the region. As of July 2023, internal displacement has modestly but noticeably increased by 1% since May, totalling over…

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 31 July 2023)

In July, population movements continued (and even intensified), particularly in the Est and Boucle du Mouhoun regions. In the Est region, particularly in the town of Bogandé, more than 61,000 people arrived from the neighbouring villages…

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