Cartes / Infographies

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PAM République du Congo Rapport Annuel de Pays Synthèse 2023

En République du Congo, des défis persistants tels que la productivité agricole limitée et les événements météorologiques extrêmes continuent de maintenir des niveaux élevés de faim et de pauvreté. Dans le cadre de son Plan Stratégique…


WFP Republic of Congo Annual Country Report 2023 Highlights

In the Republic of Congo, persistent challenges like limited agricultural productivity and extreme weather events sustain serious levels of hunger and poverty. Throughout its Country Strategic Plan (2019-2024), WFP focused on supporting the government's pursuit of Sustainable…

Mauritania + 1 more

UNHCR Mauritania Refugee emergency response (as of 31 May 2024)

Overall situation in the country The humanitarian and security crisis in Mali continues to displace Malians into Mauritania, particularly into the south-eastern border region of Hodh Chargui, where Mbera refugee camp is located. This influx is exacerbating…

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