
ReliefWeb results

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Citing real prospect for ending violence in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Special Representative says United Nations Mission must not rest on laurels

SC/9769 Security Council 6203rd Meeting (AM) In Briefing, MONUC Chief Says Rebuilding Country, Ensuring Lasting Safety Of Population Require Security Council's Continued Assistance, Engagement Now that there was a real prospect of ending the violence plaguing the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo, efforts…

News and Press Release
16 Oct 2009

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 1 more

Real prospect of ending fighting in eastern DR Congo, says top UN envoy

The top United Nations envoy to the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) today voiced optimism that calm could soon return to the country's volatile eastern region, while noting that a number of challenges still remain. "There is now a…

News and Press Release
UN News
16 Oct 2009

Chad + 2 more

Bulletin d'information humanitaire Tchad, du 02 au 16 octobre 2009

Faits Majeurs - Lancement de la semaine des Nations Unies au Tchad; - Lancement de la campagne contre les violences faites aux femmes; - Lancement de la Journée Mondiale de l'Alimentation; - Les engins non explosés continuent à faire des victimes. Quatre enfants tués…

Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone: Reunifying the once lost children

Sierra Leone, 14 October 2009 - "I am so thankful to UNICEF for giving me back my son", says Mama Wuya, a mother who got her son back last year after six years of separation. She is one of…

News and Press Release
14 Oct 2009

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