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Chad + 2 more

Tchad Mise à jour humanitaire Novembre 2023

La planification humanitaire pour 2024 en cours de discussion et de finalisation Le 21 novembre, l'atelier national de planification humanitaire pour 2024 s'est tenu à N'Djamena, réunissant une centaine de participants, dont des représentants des autorités provinciales,…

Chad + 2 more

Chad Humanitarian Update November 2023

Humanitarian planning for 2024 being discussed and finalised On 21 November, the National Humanitarian Planning Workshop for 2024 was held in N'Djamena, bringing together around 100 participants, including representatives of provincial authorities, heads of United Nations (UN)…


Burundi: Amend gender-based violence law

Burundi: Landmark law on gender-based violence must be strengthened to meet regional and international standards Burundi’s National Assembly should address significant shortcomings in the landmark 2016 law against gender-based violence (GBV) and inconsistencies in other relevant legislation…

Burkina Faso + 2 more

Addressing gender-based violence in the Central Sahel

Armed conflict, climate change, food insecurity, and recent military takeovers have converged in the Central Sahel region—encompassing Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso—generating high levels of insecurity and instability and manifesting a steep rise in forced displacement…


Togo: Population Movement - Emergency Appeal (MDRTG010)

SITUATION OVERVIEW Conflict in the Sahel region of northern Africa continues to spill over, causing the displacement of tens of thousands of people seeking safety and security, including into the Savanes region of Togo. Throughout 2023, the number…

Chad + 3 more

Tchad : Rapport opérationnel, 1 décembre 2023

Réponse d’urgence à l’Est L'afflux de réfugiés soudanais au Tchad se poursuit. Du 13 au 19 novembre 2023, 3 050 nouveaux arrivants ont été dénombrés à Adré, dans la province du Ouaddaï. Au total, plus de 19…

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