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Burundi remains calm overall, despite poverty, unemployment, isolated violence, Special Representative tells Security Council

Watch the Webcast SC/10473 Security Council 6677th Meeting* (AM) Government Official Pledges Judicial, Rule of Law, Security Reforms Despite extreme poverty, rampant unemployment and isolated violent incidents, Burundi’s overall political and security landscapes were “calm” with much anticipated for the Government’s…

News and Press Release
7 Dec 2011

Côte d'Ivoire + 4 more

UNHCR Côte d'Ivoire Situation Update No. 38, 29 Nov 2011

HIGHLIGHTS Tripartite Agreement and Practical Modalities signed by the Governments of Cote d’Ivoire and Togo and UNHCR. UN Independent Expert on the situation of human rights in Côte d'Ivoire visits the country. SRSG on Sexual Violence in Conflict in…

Côte d'Ivoire + 2 more

Addressing Sexual Violence in Conflicts and Disasters

Sexual violence often increases in conflict and disaster situations, typically exposing women and girls to increased threats of rape and assault, exploitation, and abuse. This happens because of population displacement, the absence of police, and the…

News and Press Release
7 Dec 2011

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 2 more

Plan d'action humanitaire 2012

PREFACE DU COORDONNATEUR HUMANITAIRE Après de longues années de guerre, si la République Démocratique du Congo poursuit son chemin sur la voie de la stabilisation, avec des progrès constatés dans plusieurs domaines, une grande partie de la…

Chad + 2 more

Consolidated Appeal 2012 for Chad

Executive Summary. Due to erratic rainfall, the 2011 harvests in Chad are expected to be below average with alarming trends. Despite better rains in August and September, the Comité d’Action pour la Sécurité Alimentaire et la Gestion…

Democratic Republic of the Congo + 5 more

Forced Migration Policy Briefing 8: Stabilising the Congo

The Congo context: the causes of persistent conflict The DRC has a long and tragic history of plunder, predation and pillaging, first under Belgian colonial rule and then under President Mobutu. The country’s recent history is one…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

A Crucial Moment for D.R. Congo

Ceris Bailes is our Desk Officer for D.R. Congo and has supervised a range of programs in the region over the years, from medical interventions to food security activities, water, sanitation & hygiene programs to infrastructure…

News and Press Release
6 Dec 2011

Liberia + 1 more

UNICEF Weekly Situation Report No. 47

Highlights • The number of Ivorian refugees in Liberia is 138,164 as of 2 Dec 2011 according to UNHCR’s weekly statistical report. • The national integrated measles vaccination campaignended on 1 December 2011. The week long campaign targeted more than…

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