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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC): Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the escalation of hostilities in the eastern part of the country

The EU is extremely concerned by the escalation of violence in the east of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and the worsening of the humanitarian situation exposing millions of people to human rights abuses…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Small voices: The youngest victims of conflict in Ituri, DR Congo

A look inside a hospital in eastern DR Congo, where children are falling victim to a resurgence of violence between armed groups. Ituri province, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), has been gripped for decades by recurring…

News and Press Release
1 Mar 2024


Cameroun : Rapport de situation, 1 mars 2024

FAITS SAILLANTS L'explosion d'un engin explosif improvisé à Nkambe fait un mort et plus de 100 blessés : les acteurs humanitaires mobilisent des ressources et fournissent des secours. Environ 3 000 personnes se sont déplacées dans la région…

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