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Democratic Republic of the Congo

Lignes directrices sur les synergies intersectorielles dans les sites et centres collectifs en République Démocratique du Congo

La République Démocratique du Congo fait face à une crise très complexe de près de 30 ans sur le plan sécuritaire et humanitaire. Le pays abrite environ 7 millions de personnes déplacées internes (PDIs). En 2024,…

Manual and Guideline
CCCM Cluster, CP AoR, Education Cluster, GBV AoR, Protection Cluster, Shelter Cluster, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA, WASH Cluster
21 Jun 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

Guidelines for intersectoral synergies in sites and collective centers in the Democratic Republic of Congo

I. Introduction 1.1. Background The Democratic Republic of Congo has been facing a complex security and humanitarian crisis for almost 30 years. The country is home to some 7 million internal displaced persons (IDPs). In 2024, 25 million…

Manual and Guideline
CCCM Cluster, CP AoR, Education Cluster, GBV AoR, Protection Cluster, Shelter Cluster, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNFPA, WASH Cluster
21 Jun 2024

Cameroon + 7 more

Protection is paramount for more than 470,000 refugees in Cameroon

BACKGROUND Cameroon, once lauded for its relative stability, faces multiple complex and deepening crises today. These include the violence perpetrated by non-state armed groups (NSAGs) in the Far North region, in the Northwest and Southwest regions and…

News and Press Release
Action Against Hunger, CARE, CRS, DRC, NRC, Plan International
20 Jun 2024

Democratic Republic of the Congo

WFP Democratic Republic of Congo Country Brief, May 2024

In Numbers 9,000 mt of food commodities distributed USD 5 million distributed in cash-based transfers USD 409 million six-month (June to November 2024) net funding requirements 1.6 million people assisted in April 2024 Situation Update • The conflict in DRC has intensified…

Democratic Republic of the Congo

République démocratique du Congo : Réunion mensuelle du réseau PSEA - Nord Kivu en RDC (jeudi, 20 juin 2024) [Meeting Minutes]

Ordre du jour 1- Introduction: Présentation des participants 2- Revue des recommandations de la rencontre précédente 3- Le mécanisme de signalement et de gestion des incidents EAS/HS 4- Mise au point sur l’outil Mapping Response Membre du Réseau partagé par…

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