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Chad + 3 more

Project 21 Tchad : Factsheet Monitoring Protection Monitoring - Education in Central Sahel & Chad Data to Support Education Coherence (January 2024)

Introduction The Project 21 Factsheet aims to provide essential and recent data from the Protection Monitoring activities in crisis affected areas of Central Sahel and Chad*. The notes are designed to share Project 21 information and insights…

Croix-Rouge du Tchad, UNHCR
4 Mar 2024

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso : Aperçu de la situation humanitaire (au 29 février 2024)

Les populations civiles continuent d’être confrontées à une crise de protection préoccupante (intimidations, assassinats, enlèvements, violences physiques). Les violences basées sur le genre ont également été rapportés notamment dans la localité de Dougouri, situé à 5…

Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso: Humanitarian Snapshot (as of 29 February 2024)

Civilians continue to face a worrying protection crisis (intimidation, assassinations, kidnappings, physical violence). Gender-based violence has also been reported, particularly in the locality of Dougouri, 5 km from Titao in the Nord region, and in the…

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