Cartes / Infographies

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Nigeria + 3 more

Northeast Nigeria Crisis Response Monthly Factsheet (30 September 2016)

3 pages

Situation in numbers 1.4 Million Children Currently Displaced Across the Lake Chad Basin 2.6 Million People Currently Displaced Across the Lake Chad Basin 1.8 Million People Currently Internally Displaced in Northeast Nigeria 2.2 Million People Living in Inaccessible Areas in…


Nigeria: Humanitarian Dashboard (as of 15 June 2016)

SITUATION OVERVIEW The re-opening of Local Government Areas (LGAs) which were hitherto inaccessible has led to the identification of new IDP locations in Borno State, while ongoing conflict between the military and Boko Haram has resulted in…

Niger + 1 more

Situation Mali: Niger mai 2016 Protection

APERCU GENERAL Juin 2015: accord pour la paix entre le Gouvernement du Mali et les groupes armés du nord Mali. L'UNHCR continue à faciliter le rapatriement volontaire des réfugiés qui en font la demande. Pour les réfugiés ayant…

Nigeria + 3 more

Lake Chad Basin: Crisis Overview (as of 12 May 2016)

An overlooked crisis The violent conflict in the Lake Chad Basin has continuously deteriorated over the last two years. Boko Haram raids and suicide bombings targeting civilians are causing widespread trauma, preventing people from accessing essential services…

Niger + 1 more

Situation Mali: Niger Février 2016 Protection

APERCU GENERAL Juin 2015: accord pour la paix entre le Gouvernement du Mali et les groupes armés du nord Mali. L'UNHCR continue à faciliter le rapatriement volontaire des réfugiés qui en font la demande. Pour les réfugiés ayant…

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