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Democratic Republic of the Congo + 4 more

Democratic Republic of the Congo: Revised Emergency Appeal - Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) Outbreak Containment Strategy and Red Cross / Red Crescent Response Plan, n° MDRCD026, Revision 6

25 June 2020 marked the end of the Democratic Republic of Congo’s (DRC) 10th Ebola outbreak, in North Kivu and Ituri - a relief for communities who suffered the brunt of this outbreak that killed 2,300…

Central African Republic

Central African Republic Flood Susceptibility & Risk

Pairing satellite data with household surveys to locate high flood risk areas in the Central African Republic In late 2019, a destructive flood event that occurred in the months of October and November in the Central African…


Niger: Floods Early Action Protocol summary (EAP2020NE01)

The IFRC Disaster Relief Emergency Fund (DREF) has approved a total allocation of CHF 250,000 from its Forecast based Action (FbA) mechanism for the Red Cross Society of Niger. The approved amount consists of an immediate…

Rwanda + 2 more

UNICEF Rwanda Humanitarian Situation Report Mid-Year 2020

Highlights During the reporting period, over 5,800 children were vaccinated against measles in all six refugee camps; 8,500 Burundian refugee children received child protection services in Mahama Camp and in host communities; 13,000 refugee children were reached with quality,…


Ghana - Risk-sensitive Budget Review

Executive summary This report provides an analysis of public investment planning for disaster risk reduction (DRR) in Ghana and provides information on the level of public investment in DRR in the country. This is done using a…

Côte d'Ivoire

Weather data helps authorities respond to deadly floods in Abidjan

When torrential rains and flash floods deluged parts of Côte d’Ivoire’s economic capital, Abidjan, an African Development Bank investment in weather data was critical in the disaster response efforts. While heavy rainfall is not unusual for Abidjan…

News and Press Release
10 Jul 2020

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