
ReliefWeb results

Cameroon + 3 more

Evidence for action: Socioeconomic survey data is now available

NOVEMBER 2023 | CHIARA VALENTI To address the impacts of internal displacement, it is essential to understand how it affects the lives and resources of internally displaced people, the communities that host them and the governments responsible…

Mauritania + 1 more

WFP Mauritania Country Brief, September-October 2023

In Numbers 332,468 people assisted in September and October 2023 690 mt of food assistance distributed in September and October 2023 US$ 3.31 million cash transferred in September and October 2023 US$ 13.4 million six-month (November 2023-April 2024) net funding…

Burundi + 1 more

WFP Burundi Country Brief, October 2023

In Numbers 845,771 people assisted in October 2023 USD 1,142,881 cash transferred under assistance to refugees, returnees, people affected by climatic and socio-economic shocks, nutrition and resilience programmes and decentralized procurement 1,811 mt of food assistance distributed USD 17.4 m…

Sierra Leone

WFP Sierra Leone Country Brief, October 2023

In Numbers 156,520 people assisted 504 mt of food assistance distributed US$ 2.2 million six-month (November– April 2024) net funding requirement Operational Updates School Meals: • WFP through its cooperating partners, including Pure Heart Foundation, Community Action for the Welfare of Children…

Chad + 6 more

Understanding trajectories of refugee inclusion in national education systems: research design and methodology for case study research

Introduction For most of the world’s learners, progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 is consistently measured through a variety of international and national monitoring systems. However, many marginalised populations remain excluded from national education policies…

Niger + 5 more

UNHCR Niger - Mise à jour operationnelle - octobre 2023

Environ 1 200 000 personnes de plus au Niger font face à des risques de protection selon un rapport d'analyse du cluster protection publié en octobre. Les défis majeurs auxquels la population est confrontée, sont notamment,…

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