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UNICEF Burundi Flash Humanitarian Situation Report No. 4 - July 2024

Highlights El Niño has wreaked havoc across Burundi, with 47 reported dead, over 248,869 affected and over 49,365 displaced since September 2023. UNICEF supported the screening for malnutrition of 55,776 children and provided nutritional assistance to 184 children…

Togo + 1 more

Rapport de synthèse : Évaluation participative (novembre 2023)

Objectif général Évaluer la situation générale de protection et les besoins prioritaires des demandeurs d’asile, des réfugiés et des personnes déplacées internes dans la région des Savanes au Togo avec leur pleine participation et de collecter les…


Humanitarian Action for Children 2024 - Cameroon, Revision 1 (July 2024)

HIGHLIGHTS In Cameroon, 3.4 million people, including 1.9 million children, require urgent humanitarian assistance due to complex and mutifaceted crises: armed conflict, intercommunal violence, disease outbreaks, and climate shocks. These crises lead to forced displacement, human rights violations,…


Harnessing Sustainability for Lasting Impact

Counterpart’s McGovern-Dole Food for Education and Child Nutrition projects, funded by USDA, address both the immediate need to fight hunger and malnutrition and longer-term needs, such as improving school infrastructure, boosting literacy, and improving school governance.…

News and Press Release
16 Aug 2024


Improving Education in Niger Through Citizen Monitoring Committees

Funded by USAID, Counterpart implements the Resilient Governance in Niger project, also known as Jagoranci, to strengthen the social contract between local authorities and citizens, and to enhance the resilience of individuals, households, and communities in…

News and Press Release
16 Aug 2024


Situación de los derechos humanos en Burundi - Informe del Relator Especial sobre la situación de los derechos humanos en Burundi, Fortuné Gaetan Zongo (A/HRC/57/58)

Consejo de Derechos Humanos 57º período de sesiones 9 de septiembre a 9 de octubre de 2024 Tema 4 de la agenda Situaciones de derechos humanos que requieren la atención del Consejo Resumen El Consejo de Derechos Humanos, en el párrafo 9…

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